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1b5 warwick exercise book

Product Code: 1B5
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$ 1.02
inc GST
$ 0.89
exc GST
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Warwick 1B5 Exercise Books are Soft cover and perfect for school, home or the work place for many purposes. The Exercise Book has 40 leaves (80 pages) with 7mm feint ruling and measures 255x205mm (hxl) allowing you to easily slip it into your bag. Great for back to school or as a back up during the school year.

• This exercise book has 40 leaves (80 pages) suitable for all your writing needs
• Measures 255x205mm (hxl), big enough to write in and small enough to carry in your bag
• Has 7mm feint ruling on each page great for note taking
• Name and subject label on the front cover for easy identification


  • rating-star rating-star rating-star rating-star rating-star 5
    Cheep & versatile

    The 1B5 books are the most used within our school, they are used for most subjects and students are always needing more daily. These are the cheapest prices we have found them at - everywhere!

    Posted by Lyana on 16th Sep 2015

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