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9th May 2023

Texture Treasure Hunt Activity

Texture Treasure Hunt

The objective of this activity is to help young children between 3-5 years old develop their sensory skills, specifically their sense of touch, as well as improve their vocabulary and communication skills.

You will need:

  • Various textured items (e.g., soft fabric, sandpaper, cotton balls, bubble wrap, smooth rocks, water, etc.)
  • Small containers or bags to hold the textured items.
  • Labels for the items
  • paper and markers for recording observations

Introduce the activity to the children:

a. Explain to the children that they will be participating in a Texture Treasure Hunt.

b. Briefly discuss the concept of texture and the importance of the sense of touch.

c. Show the children a few examples of the textured items they will be exploring.


a. Place the textured items in small containers or bags, and label each with a number.

b. Set up the exploration area by spreading the containers or bags around the room, ensuring there is enough space for children to move around and explore safely.

Texture Exploration

a. Divide the children into small groups or pairs, depending on the size of the class.

b. Explain the rules of the Texture Treasure Hunt: each group or pair will take turns finding a container, feeling the texture inside without looking, and describing what they feel.

c. Optional: Use blindfolds to enhance the sense of touch and prevent peeking.

d. As each group or pair explores a texture, encourage them to use descriptive words and phrases to describe their experiences. Record their observations on the chart paper.

e. After each texture has been explored, have the children return the containers to their original locations and rotate to the next one until all groups have explored each texture.

Have a discussion:

a. Gather the children together and review the descriptive words and phrases recorded on the chart paper.

b. Encourage the children to share their favourite textures and discuss why they liked those textures.

c. Talk about the importance of the sense of touch and how it helps us understand and navigate the world around us.

This activity will allow you to:

Observe the children's ability to describe the textures using appropriate vocabulary, as well as their engagement and participation in the activity. Encourage children to communicate their experiences effectively with their peers.

posted by Bounce

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